Overwatch 2 mid-season update buffs tanks

Tanks Heroes in Overwatch 2 are getting some huge buffs in the upcoming mid-seasonal patch to let them do their job properly, few more characters are receiving buffs.

New Update

OW 2 Wrecking Ball (Source - Blizzard)

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The mid-seasonal update for Overwatch 2 Season 10 is set to release this month and will be bringing multiple buffs to tank heroes for more survivability. The announcement of the changes was made in an official post by Blizzard.

Season 10 in itself has brought a lot of changes, including a new Hero Venture, game modes and a lot of balance changes. A big complaint from the community was tanks do not have as much survivability and wants Blizzard to address these issues.

Blizzard has now responded, but not how the players wanted. The developers are giving tanks some sweet buffs on paper. These include -

  • Tank role passive now has a 25% damage reduction from headshots.
  • Increase in knock back resistance from 30% to 50%.

Global buffs include -

  • Armour damage reduction reverted to reduce five damage per projectile with a 50% maximum.
  • Global self-heal now recovers 10 Health +5% of their maximum health per second.

Hero specific buffs -

  • Junker Queen’s Commanding Shout cooldown is reduced to 12 seconds
  •  and can be used while using Carnage or Rampage.
  • Wrecking Ball’s full-charged swing with Grappling Claw damage is increased from 50 to 60, Piledriver locks enemy movement for .75 seconds (up from .5 seconds), and Minefield damage increased from 130 to 165, and the radius doubled from 5 to 10 meters.

There are also a few more hero buffs including Junkrat, Echo, and Hanzo who will be revealed with the patch notes when the update drops on May 14.

Players not fully onboard

The community, however, have mixed reactions to these changes. This is mainly due to them wanting another tank instead of these buffs. Originally, Overwatch featured 6v6 battles with two tanks. However, the move to Overwatch 2 changes the game to 5v5 and the number of tanks to 1. While the players have their opinion, these decisions were likely taken after proper assessment.
