Blizzard cancels BlizzCon 2024 in favor of multiple other events

Looks like fans will need to wait a bit longer to attend another BlizzCon event as Blizzard announced cancellation of the 2024 iteration and focus on other events.

New Update

BlizzCon (Source -Google)

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In an official blog post on Thursday, Blizzard updated fans about cancelling this year’s BlizzCon as the company seems to be shaking things up. However, BlizzCon as not been ditched permanently as Blizzard expresses their plans to bring it back in future.

Blizzcon was the main big event for Blizzard, where they announced their upcoming games/DLC or other big updates. The event has seen its ups and down, but was beloved by the gaming community.

“After careful consideration over the last year, we at Blizzard have made the decision not to hold BlizzCon in 2024. This decision was not made lightly as BlizzCon remains a very special event for all of us, and we know many of you look forward to it,” Blizzard wrote in their post.

The decision have left many fans standing after a long anticipation, as people were expecting something big after the Microsoft acquisition. The company hasn’t stated the reason, but it is also not the first time BlizzCon has been cancelled, as in the past, the event saw some issues during the Covid and later took the online route.

Exploring things differently

This year, Blizzard seems to be focusing on other conventions like Gamescom to give an update on games like World of Warcraft Expansion, Diablo, etc. The company also sees to be focusing on Overwatch esports with the introduction of Overwatch Champions Series (OWCS).

The company seems to be planning other in-person events to celebrate the OWCS and 30th anniversary for World of Warcraft. All of these events will also be live-streamed as usual. There are currently no solid details on these events, but the company promises an update soon.

The future of BlizzCon is currently uncertain amidst the recent issues at Activision Blizzard. However, fans do hope that the company do not simply forget the event after going under a new boss and brings back the event as promised.
